This map is subject to change, if you are unsure if your property is inside the limits, please call 801-731-1668
Taylor-West Weber Water Improvement District is located in West Haven, Utah. The District services the culinary water for Taylor, West Weber and some areas in Hooper and West Haven. Please note, we only service culinary water and not secondary/irrigation. Contact Hooper Irrigation, Wilson Irrigation or Weber Basin Water for these services.
The District currently contains approximately 130 miles of water lines and currently has 2,500 connections to the system, most of which are residential.
The Weber County Commission gave final approval for the organization of the Taylor West Weber Water Improvement District in August of 1965 and incorporated in Utah to provide culinary water service to the area. The District was organized and is operating under the general laws of the State of Utah.
At Taylor West Weber Water, we are committed to providing safe, high quality water services to all of our customers, however at times, our water may become discolored or have an unpleasant odor. Please Click Here for some tips to help determine the problem and if necessary contact us.
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Important notices can be found posted to our social media, as well as on this page. Please see all recent notices below.
How can we assist you today?
2815 West 3300 South
West Haven, UT 84401-9791
801-731-1668 Phone
801-731-7799 Fax
Office Hours:
Mon-Fri 9:00-noon, 1:00-4:00